sick on new year's day

happy 2012! hope your NYE/NYD was great!

though my 1st day of the new year was baaaddddd... i was sick!!!

stop reading now if you couldn't care less because i will start talking about it... now:

i suspect it was bad hot cocoa or bad pork on NYE but none of us are sure. it was either GER or indigestion - the nausea, bloating, reflux - it was all yuck. i puked before bed. i vomited in bed {on the bed, to be clear, blech} at 4am, yuck. for the most of january 1st, i was in bed, in the corner with vomit bags, tissues and a trash can beside me. i could not sleep, threw up once before noon and about 3 times {i lost count} within 6 hours in the afternoon. i was sleepy, nauseated and hungry. i thought, "this is it, i'm not going to get any better, we're going to have to go to the ER." early in the evening, i took one capsule of "losec 20mg" for the GER. my feet and hands were clammy too so i drank water with a dissolved tablet of oral rehydration salts - "hydrite" i think it was called. i must have sipped 60ml or less of the entire 200ml of the cloudy liquid. i hated to waste it but i couldn't take anymore. i nibbled on a slice of apple and a cracker. i wished i could eat more. at 8pm, i had reflux again but nothing came out {apart from spit, but it would have felt better if something went up for that "after-relief" but i must have thrown up all there was to puke by then}. that vomit reflex - one after the other - was exhausting. then i plopped into bed and had this feeling that i was falling asleep {i tried to get my hopes up that this was coming} so i said that if i fall asleep {it was too early then}, please don't wake me. when i opened my eyes again, it was nearly midnight - i was ecstatic - i slept, finally! then i slept some more.

january 2nd it was better. still had nausea and some bloating, but no vomiting. i ate small portions of rice, viand, fruit and chewed thoughtfully. i sipped water. if it wasn't for the nausea, i would have eaten like crazy i was so hungry.

january 3rd, now, i feel so much better. some nausea but i can eat; but not a lot. smells bother me still. but i'm getting better. thank goodness my world did not end on new year's day {it just felt like it did}.
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