Galling Rousers

I am going to talk about bad things -- galling rousers. I will use "rousers" here to refer to noises that wake me up and "galling" being that these are personally unpleasant and annoying. These just tick me off.

Last night, I went to bed at 2am but did not fall asleep until maybe 4am. I heard a car beep and I woke up, still very tired, when it was still dark. I'm guessing that this was a little after 5am. Immediately, I slept again. Then I was roused by the ruckus of a gate opening and a car pulling in (or out) of a driveway. Fell asleep again. Then, a car honked and a gate was opened and yes, I woke up, again. This time, I looked at the clock and saw that it was 11am.

So, between 4 and 11 this morning, I was startled off sleep three times. But the last time (11am) I did not fall asleep right away. I would doze off - when your mind would begin to cloud up and wouldn't hear anything - but after a while, I'd wake up again without any annoying rousers causing it. This "nodding off then waking up" happened three times (again!) until I had to get up.

I think that I am pin-pointing and reacting to these galling everyday sounds when I am asleep. I do think that because when I checked my mobile, I had one missed call around 9am -- I did not wake up to that. I also rarely wake up to our landphone (that is on my bedside table) ringing. I think I was roused by a ringing phone only once (that I can remember).

My other galling rousers are doors opening and shutting -- these are the worst. But basically, I do feel sleep-deprived at the moment or more appropriately, ever since I got up today. I thought of mundane things that I would do earlier - drink water, buy office supplies, meds. But now, it's 10pm and I just remembered them. Well, too late to do them now. I did drink water though but only cos my throat was dry (because I forgot to drink water when I was supposed to -- that's insane!).

Tonight, I am anticipating a good night's sleep. It should happen, yes? Please, please - I can't work like this. FYI, a bath did not help. A cup of joe did not help. Splashing my face with cold water after dinner did not help. I am awake right now - and have worked well enough too - but my head and eyes are just so heavy. It feels like a hangover without the booze.
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