Oh Donut and Forgotten Shrimps

Since I haven't been posting pictures enough (I think), I suppose two shots of a bitten donut will make up for it. It is by Dunkin' Donut and obviously, has chocolate frosting and peanuts sprinkled on it. Since it just came out of the fridge, the frosting has set and that made it quite sweet. But that did not stop me from finishing it off.

Haven't had one of these in a while. Well, I do remember eating some bavarians last month, maybe. But I don't keep a food diary anymore (I used to keep one many years ago - a nutritionist made me do it!) so I am not really sure.

At dinner, someone asked me what I had for lunch. I was stumped - for a bit. It took a some concentration but I managed to remember that I had shrimps. I guess the shrimps weren't memorable.
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