Golden Powerchair Charging/Chargers

Always have a spare charger for your electric wheelchair just in case... like today.

When we plugged in my powerchair, the light on the charger turned green when it should've turned red (for reference, green light means fully charged and red light means charging). The actual light has been dim and difficult to see for a while now, too. I started using this generic charger in January 2021 when the original charger stopped working.

Anyway, we troubleshoot... Took the spare charger (the generic kind as well) out, plugged it in and RED light! Yay *insert tears of joy* oh there's an emoji pala 😂 The light is nice and bright.

So if the light becomes dim, it is a sign that the charger needs to be replaced soon. Now that I think about it, I noticed that sign with the original charger too.

Since the spare is now the primary, I will get a new spare charger (again). 

original charger for the golden literider ptc wheelchair
the original charger

generic charger for golden literider ptc wheelchair
the generic charger replacement

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