Smells Like Rain and Arsenal

I hear thunder and it smells like rain but it's still very humid now. When I hear thunder, I get nervous when I'm on the computer. It's because - this has happened more than a few times - the power would (how can I put it?) flicker and that is never good. I am very tempted to shut this off now because I don't want any power surge messing things up. Obviously, I am stalling - wishing the thunder would go away.

It is very hot and humid here again so I hope the rain will cool things down a bit - if it does rain, that is. Thunder's sounding like it's moving away. Sign of imminent showers, maybe?

OK, will shut this off until the thunder goes away. Got to keep my income-generating machine healthy, you know? While I'm on that note, I wish that I were the only person using this machine because I've customized it, in a way. Even invested in a proper "arsenal" of protection too. But if someone else uses this machine less than sensibly (even with the best protections running), it all goes to shit.

I've got a mind to print out a techsupportforum 101 on computer protection and sticking it up here on the desk where everyone can see it. I especially like "Don't move. Don't breathe." Seriously, it's basic computer safety and security advice that should've been handed out to everyone who's just (or ever!) had the Internet enter their consciousness. Seriously.
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