
I just wanted to say that I had some junk food tonight but the word "junked" sounded (and looked) more interesting so I used that. LOL

Ate half a can of Pringles Crisps and Coke Light while I watched some dancing competition something show with someone. I think that I ate too much because I don't really remember what I saw and I kept popping potato crisps in my mouth. I do remember putting them on my tongue the "right way". I think I saw it on "Good Eats" - that Pringles chips were intentionally shaped to follow the tongue's curve so that we can eat it with one bite or something.

I pulled a double (yeah, like shifts apply when you're working from home! HAHA!) this (just passed) weekend. Submitted a transcript too, two days before the deadline - woohoo!!! To be honest, I liked the audio that I got and the amount of time that they gave me to finish it -- they're just right. See, I have scheduled work tomorrow and checking that off my list feels wonderful.
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