Transcribing Again and Hot Weather Meal

All right, so they didn't forget me after all.

My transcription client just sent me new audios earlier. [sigh] Anyway, after I submitted the first finished transcript a few hours ago, I realized that I forgot to justify the page format. Nyee... So, I guess I was a little rusty with my editing there (careless is more like it). Anyway, there were no complaints. Meaning, they didn't return it to be changed. lol!

Here's to another late night! Truth is it's better to work nights because it's much cooler and there's less distractions. During the day, it'd be so hot that you'd want to stay in the bath much longer than normal. And my kind of normal is already longer than what most people would consider normal too. I couldn't hog the bathroom all day, of course. lol!

But the heat is still bad and I'm starting to feel sticky (because of the humidity) again. I said that I was going to turn the a/c on but... oh well. I guess the lamp's also giving off heat. Yeah.

Dinner was fab tonight. We had boiled bokchoy (Chinese cabbage) with oyster sauce, eggplant omelet and leftover tocino (sweet marinated pork) from this morning. It was very light - a good meal for hot weather.

Wow, after writing that I just started to feel hungry again. Maybe I should've eaten more of that bokchoy earlier. I am hungry. Oh man, and I was going to work tonight too... See, I don't want to eat because that'd make me sleepy. But I am hungry so I'd like to sleep already so that it'd go away.

Okay, back to work I go. Hee-ho! What?!? lol!
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