Working on a Friday Night

No, this is neither transcription nor content-writing because this week's work concerning those are done. I am, now, finishing the tax report for my bookkeeping client... You know what? They're more of a friend than a client so I'm going to keep this on a very informal note and tone.

Ergo, she is my friend who's asked me to make their business' tax reports and in-house books for them. That's about right.

I got a call yesterday morning and their tax people were asking when they'd pick up the report and the check for the BIR. I said, "Well, I just got the documents so you can get them on Monday."

See, I checked the tax calendar and this particular due is due (lol!) on the 25th. Since they want to get things over with, way before the deadline (which I appreciate as I do the same), that gives me this weekend to wrap this up. But something came up that gave me the impression that I might be going out on Sunday so I've only got today and tomorrow to wrap this up. So that breaks down my 'wrapping' schedule.

And I'm going to eat my words on this one too. Turns out, the adjustments that they recommended are actually, working out pretty well. I now see what she meant by moving the columns around. It, kind of, simplifies the work more. Nice.

I guess that means preprinted journals for this particular tax are misleading then -- since that's where I copied those columns from. Wow, I'm glad that we're having this collaboration - them calling me, and me telling my friend what they told me - is that a collaboration or am I the middle person now?

Oh well, I don't like it that they call in the morning though. My work mode's on after lunch and a bath. lol!
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