Spare Thinking

Is it time to get a spare Internet provider - for when pldt dsl acts up?

I don't get upset when it does (act up) anymore 'cause it seems to happen more frequently nowadays -- 15 minutes to 30 minutes here or 45 minutes there, once or twice a day or once a week. I think I'm getting used to their recent unpleasant service. That's not acceptable, is it? Now, they're selling thousands of their dsl modems on TV too. That's sure to negatively affect it further, I assume.

A friend told me that when Globe started an all-night something for just 20 pesos, her line started to get crappy at night. I am on Globe prepaid but have never used any of their promos 'cause I'm (admittedly) strait-laced about how I use my phone, so I haven't really noticed it. But I do take her word for it. It is strange that her story pops into my head when I think about pldt dsl now.

It's just an issue that comes up when working from home and all. It's just a thought. Anyway, it does fall under things that I can't control like power outages or our phone line going out 'cause of heavy rain... obviously, I wouldn't go and get a power generator, now would I? Now that's just impractical and silly. I'd be better off getting a macbook instead.
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