Temp Tonight and Bookkeeping Catch-Up

OMG, it's 26 degrees tonight -- loving it!

I am feeling the pressure of trying to get as much in my friend's in-house accounting books before the year ends. My goal is to complete them "as of June" and from the looks of it, I just might do it too. That is still a "maybe" though but setting a goal is always good.

I know that sounds terrible since there is that annual thing (LOL) by April next year -- nyee... But I think their current BIR liaison's all right. I mean, I was expecting that they'd ask for the "as of September" reports last November but they didn't. I suppose they were considerate enough to understand that I was on hiatus for three and a half months and that they won't get anything in-house for a while! LOL But come April 2009, I've no excuses. NO EXCUSES, I tell you - I mean, I tell me!!! Huh?!? :P
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