One Down... Oh, Not Quite

In the spirit of being a reliable WAH worker [grins], I've finished and submitted my last transcript ("last" meaning, before going on vacation) a few hours ago - again, before the deadline. [grins more] I am so relieved... That's one down and two to go -- Oh, not quite pala!

I guess I'm still waiting for a re-affirmation of what we've talked about a while ago (like four weeks ago) about still having a spot on the transcription team when I get back. Well, she's on holiday right now so I guess that's why there's no feedback on the recent email that I sent. It was a simple schedule notice... sort of a "just in case you've forgotten" thing. I hope she didn't forget - I hope, I hope.

I've said that I wanted to finish my friend's first quarter books before I go. But from the look of things, it's not likely to happen. I'm just getting as many things done in that department as possible.

I needn't worry about the tax reports, though. That's already covered. Yay. My friend did ask if I'd keep my mobile number open in case she needs to contact me. I said that I will but not all the time since I'd be sharing a cell phone unit with someone else. I'm not so sure about being online at regular times kasi since we're not staying at our house and all that jazz. lol!

Writing Content
This Friday will be the last day that I'll be working with one affiliate. Yes, I will say goodbye to the nice person who've opened my eyes to the benefits of MoneyBookers.

There's no "goodbye's" however for my oldest online WAH affiliate. lol! Wait, they're not "old" like in "old", but "old" as in I've been with them for the longest time compared with the others. The oldest is really with my friend's accounting and bookkeeping work - that's why I distinctly said, "online WAH affiliate". Oh, you get my point! lol!

OK, back to my "no goodbye's" group - from how things are set up, you can be gone for like a year and they'd still be there. That's staying-power so kudos to these guys.

P.S. Transcription
Curious that I still haven't gotten a receipt acknowledgment for the transcript I submitted earlier - they normally send one when they get the transcript kasi. OK, don't panic... she did say that the "night manager" is going to be dealing with us while she's on vacation. Maybe the night manager's still asleep? That must be it. Yeah.
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