
Sweet Specs, Amazon Mturk

I put my glasses down to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I pick them up, I see red ants crawling along the frame. Apparently, I have sweet specs. Just shopped on amazon last month. Sent presents to my darlings who had their birthdays then. Bought an early present for myself too so I got to use their free-super-saver shipping on those purchases. I read rumors that amazon may pull the free shipping out... hopefully, it's all nonesense. I'm taking it slow on mturk now since I think that I won't be buying anything on amazon until Christmas - gifts for my darlings and what-not (maybe something for myself too). Quite excited to get what I've bought for moi next month though - that's when someone comes home from their holiday in the US. Been reading/lurking the mturk forum here nowadays. Such a good resource. I like that you see other turkers weed out bad/iffy requesters from the good ones, share experiences, etc.

I Spy, Brownies Unlimited

I spy with my little eye... (will get back to this later) Here's one of those brownies unlimited boxes that I talked about a while ago. This six-brownie pack costs 62 pesos now. I think they became popular 'cause their prices dropped (I remember the same number of brownies at a little less than 100 pesos years ago) or it could be the other way around in that they became a hit so they lowered prices - I don't really know. For some reason, I think the quality dropped as well. A piece from this box was flaky, particularly, the one topped with mini marshmallows. They're still a treat in this house, though. OK, back to "I spy". I spy with my little eye something that starts with an "s" in our bathroom... that doesn't sound right. Alright, there was a spider in the bath today. It was a big brown spider. I left it alone 'cause then, it would leave me alone and it did. I got through my bath (with a lot of hushed cussing and one eye on the spider) and

Recycled Fish, Left Five

I think it's called sarsiyado but I'm not sure about that. This was left-over fried fish from last night and it was recycled for lunch today. Saute a shallot and tomatoes, add sweet and sour dip from a bottle, and you've made a sauce. I'm still confused about which is left and which is right. It surprises me that I get them wrong sometimes. Take today, for instance. Was trying to work with the number keys on the main board (not the ten key, obviously) and I kept saying "right five" in my head. What I really meant was to use my left index finger to press 5 so the correct thought should've been "left five". Still, I was moving my left finger even when I thought "right". That's plain cuckoo right there. But admitting it is the first step...

Bath by Candlelight

Good title for a song/band, eh? OK, maybe not. We've no light in our bathroom. The bulb died out and nobody has replaced it. Obviously, I've nothing interesting to say. Intended to post food photos tonight but I forgot all about it. It would've been nice too 'cause we had quite a pinoy spread earlier - barbecue, dinuguan , puto , sprouts. The dinuguan left much to be desired but the pork barbecue was yummy. Answered a lovely wake-up call this morning from my darlings. I am feeling a bit sleep-deprived at the moment but I'll get over it. I should have a nice, deep sleep tonight too. I do miss them very much.