
Galling Rousers

I am going to talk about bad things -- galling rousers. I will use "rousers" here to refer to noises that wake me up and "galling" being that these are personally unpleasant and annoying. These just tick me off. Last night, I went to bed at 2am but did not fall asleep until maybe 4am. I heard a car beep and I woke up, still very tired, when it was still dark. I'm guessing that this was a little after 5am. Immediately, I slept again. Then I was roused by the ruckus of a gate opening and a car pulling in (or out) of a driveway. Fell asleep again. Then, a car honked and a gate was opened and yes, I woke up, again. This time, I looked at the clock and saw that it was 11am. So, between 4 and 11 this morning, I was startled off sleep three times. But the last time (11am) I did not fall asleep right away. I would doze off - when your mind would begin to cloud up and wouldn't hear anything - but after a while, I'd wake up again without any annoying rousers causi

Whole Wheat Pandesal

Butter on toasted whole wheat pandesal , yum. Looked like a lot but the bread was so soft that it wasn't, really. On the matter of wheat bread, I have eaten white wheat bread. I've grown not to like white bread but the "white wheat" kind was interesting because it was sweet. Unfortunately, if it's not "whole wheat" (white, red or otherwise) it's not as "healthy" -- yes, I looked it up. I think I read it from the Mayo Clinic site. Anyway, I am thinking of breakfast right now. Hopefully, I'd quickly fall asleep tonight but it's not always the case. For a few nights now, I've had to MAKE myself fall asleep. I'd sing aloud (or sing in my head). Yeah, you may laugh it up but it works for me! HAH! Well, right now, I am quite tired so I may be out as soon as I go to bed. Oh, in relation to my last post, it did rain that night. It was heavy too that we took out flashlights and candles in case of a blackout. Thank goodness that the p

Smells Like Rain and Arsenal

I hear thunder and it smells like rain but it's still very humid now. When I hear thunder, I get nervous when I'm on the computer. It's because - this has happened more than a few times - the power would (how can I put it?) flicker and that is never good. I am very tempted to shut this off now because I don't want any power surge messing things up. Obviously, I am stalling - wishing the thunder would go away. It is very hot and humid here again so I hope the rain will cool things down a bit - if it does rain, that is. Thunder's sounding like it's moving away. Sign of imminent showers, maybe? OK, will shut this off until the thunder goes away. Got to keep my income-generating machine healthy, you know? While I'm on that note, I wish that I were the only person using this machine because I've customized it, in a way. Even invested in a proper "arsenal" of protection too. But if someone else uses this machine less than sensibly (even with the best

Deezer is Not Quite Back and XL

I visited Deezer - haven't gone there in a week or so - and I was surprised to find that one of my old playlists is working perfectly. Makes me happy that I did not change tracks there when Deezer fizzled a last month. Well, only one playlist is working fine and the others (I have four) still go to "smart radio" mode. So, Deezer is not quite back... but it's getting there, hopefully. Found a shirt that I haven't really worn before because it's too tight. Got it last year (the hiatus) from the kids' section at Old Navy - the size is XL, extra large. From the rack it looked like it would fit back then. But during that holiday I gained so much weight that it didn't fit me. My sister said that I should have been looking at the petite's section in stead of the kids' section. Yeah... but stuff from the petites' are expensive. [frowns] Anyway, I am wearing the shirt right now and it fits! Wow, I lost my hiatus weight -- woohoo! It's actually