
Weather, Funny Typos and Luggage

Earlier this week, there were a couple of afternoon and morning drizzles. The news reported that there was a storm in the area. Nada, nil, zip... zero storm. But it was cool for a while then... but it was brief. I only wished that it would rain. I don't want a storm, of course, for the simple reason that the power might go out. And you know how that could affect my online WAHJ's -- very badly. But now, we're back to warm and humid weather again. And my hair clamp broke too so my long hair's covering the back of my neck now and the heat's giving me a headache. And I don't have anything to tie my hair back too... Oh, the misery. Right, I'd better stop complaining about that. lol! Yesterday - yes, I was able to submit my transcript in time (two minutes before the deadline!) - as I was going over my work, I discovered funny typos that would've been really embarrassing had I not corrected them before the editors got to them. Now, I forget... OK, I'm going

Week's Just Started and I'm Already Tired

It's 2:34 am as of now. I can't believe how tired I was when I woke up... yesterday. I went to bed around 3:00 am - and I'm doing the same thing now, lol! - and I got up around noon. I sat down to eat and as I was blinking, I was starting to doze off. Yikes! My lids were heavy - I guess that's how most of us would describe it. And later, I got to get up early (earlier than noon, anyway) to edit a transcript. Yup, I got assigned to transcribe a 90-minute audio in two days -- and I accepted! Right now, I'm wished that I typed 70 WPM. See, I've read somewhere that if a transcriber typed 70 WPM, they'd get an hour-long audio done in... four hours!!! WHATDAFUDGE?!? I assume that it also meant that the person's got ten years of experience and all the amazing gadgets that definitely help speed up their work. But that was an interesting read... the publisher's got that down to a maths thing with formulas and all that. Oh well, in fairness to me, I've com

Payment of WAHJ's and Other Opps

I've got different 'work at home' jobs (WAHJ's) and a few other Internet opps that I'm managing. And after seeing what's required in each of them, the next important question that I ask is - how do I receive my pay? There's no comparison to cold hard cash up front -- a couple of my clients provide that. Another one is direct deposit to the bank that my transcription client does. But what if your client only sends pays through electronic transfers and international checks? Ah, that's where I got stumped when I started using Internet for WAHJ's. Forums are good sources for finding out how payments of Internet jobs and opportunities are carried out -- and if they are actually received. It's great that people share their experiences with so-and-so transfers. That way, others learn from it and can decide if that's for them. As far as my own research goes, these are common details that I know and that are applicable as of this time. But before anyt

Free Time on FIBS

I haven't been playing backgammon for a while, I've noticed. So, today I connected to FIBS to see what's the up and up. I have a "friends" list on there... most of them are "bots" too since they're always available - except when they're playing a 15-pt match or something with someone else, of course. What's interesting though is that someone actually recommended me on FIBS. Cool. That must be the guy who was surprised that I came back to continue our match. That was, oh, a long time ago. lol! See, I got disconnected in the middle of our game so I had to sign back in. He was still there and I immediately invited him to continue our saved match. He accepted and I told him that I got disconnected and that I was sorry. He said that it was OK and that he got up to get coffee, assuming that I was a dropper. So he was really surprised to see me back on. I think I won that match too, by the way. He was nice. I should've added him to my friends