Week's Just Started and I'm Already Tired

It's 2:34 am as of now. I can't believe how tired I was when I woke up... yesterday. I went to bed around 3:00 am - and I'm doing the same thing now, lol! - and I got up around noon. I sat down to eat and as I was blinking, I was starting to doze off. Yikes! My lids were heavy - I guess that's how most of us would describe it.

And later, I got to get up early (earlier than noon, anyway) to edit a transcript. Yup, I got assigned to transcribe a 90-minute audio in two days -- and I accepted! Right now, I'm wished that I typed 70 WPM.

See, I've read somewhere that if a transcriber typed 70 WPM, they'd get an hour-long audio done in... four hours!!! WHATDAFUDGE?!? I assume that it also meant that the person's got ten years of experience and all the amazing gadgets that definitely help speed up their work. But that was an interesting read... the publisher's got that down to a maths thing with formulas and all that.

Oh well, in fairness to me, I've completed proofreading a third of the transcript as of this post and I only have to finish the rest before the deadline tomorrow... oops! I meant, later. lol!

So, that's 60 minutes left... and it's now 2:45 so I'd be done before 4:00 if I'd go for it now. No, I'm tired. I'd really like to finish it so I can send it already (and so I can sleep longer) but I want and need to sleep already. I just hope I wake up in time or else I'm going to get an angry call where they'll say, "Where the heck is your transcript?!?" lol! Nah... they wouldn't do that. They'd probably not hire me anymore... eek, that's worse!

OK, enough of this. Good night!
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