no internet pldt dsl

easy origami boxes

Monday, ‎December ‎28, ‎2015
2:25:31 AM
While waiting for our PLDT DSL to connect, I folded these small origami boxes after I finished what work I could do offline.

Our connection is intermittent. It connected approximately 3x, only for a few minutes each time within the last 6 hours that I have been sitting here. I am tired of staring at pldt's baudtec modem.

The sequence is the same: The DSL light blinks as it tries to connect, and when the INTERNET light is supposed to turn on, it doesn't. The cycle repeats.

2:35:30 AM It's back.

2:38:45 AM And it's gone again. Like I said -  it lasts just a few minutes.

So, this has happened recently too. I don't remember exactly when, maybe it was less than 2 weeks ago. That night, I remember folding origami envelopes while I waited. I also remember that I went to bed without it connecting, hoping that it returns to normal soon.

Looks like I'll do that again. GOOD NIGHT.

Monday, ‎December ‎28, ‎2015
9:40:12 PM
It's still not fixed.

I just got off the phone with PLDT DSL Tech Support, Ajit. I asked about the advisory about them having issues with underground cables affecting connections. He said that it's not supposed to affect subscribers in our plan. OK.

Ajit listened. He didn't give me the runaround -- try this, try that BS. I liked him. I felt he understood our problem and he asked the right questions. He reset the modem on his side and it connected (at the time). But he said he's hearing background static over the phone. I told him I hear it too.

He said that static could be affecting our connection. He made a report for a tech to come and fix it tomorrow. He gave me a reference number. He said that until that static is fixed, the problem in our connection will most likely continue. He advised me to power cycle the modem but otherwise, keep the modem on while it's in this state.

So, our Internet connection is still intermittent. I hope the tech comes tomorrow and fixes this.

Dammit. I have work to do.

Tuesday, ‎December ‎29, ‎2015
8:29:08 PM
They said the Pldt tech called to say he was coming this morning and he arrived shortly afterwards.

I was asleep.

I was told he changed the cable that runs into the house and repaired the main house line that's in our garage. They also told me he went up the Meralco pole. He said "may naipit (something was pinched)" inside but it was not clear to me if he meant in the main house line or the one up the Meralco pole.

Re: the static in our phone line, they told me it's fixed. No more background static.

Re: our Internet connection, it's back but it's not quite stable yet. Still getting "limited/no connectivity" but I don't know if the DSL light blinks when it happens because we moved the modem outside (far from me, basically). As of now, it reconnects quickly enough and stays connected for a longer time.
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