
Stuffs of Sunday

Stuffy - Stuffy weather. Weather professionals (?) announced that the summer season officially ended and the rainy season's here. Apart from the five-minute shower tonight, we've had no rain since I last blogged about it raining here (I think so but I'm not sure. Makes sense? Hopefully). It is, again, sticky and humid. Stuffed - I'm stuffed. I had three big meals, all consumed within six hours. Brunch was roasted chicken. Merienda was a big bowl of ice cream and cheese bread (I wasn't really hungry then but I still pigged out). Dinner was grilled milkfish with tomatoes and onions. Couldn't find any more "stuff" to talk about so, moving on... Just sent off tax reports tonight. I'm wondering where I can put the rest of the documents that I'm finished with - they're just laying here, piled on a chair. Planning on rearranging some stuff to make room for more stuff (hey, stuff! ) but it's too hot to move or do anything really. I guess it&

Brucky and Kitty Ruckus

A play on "brekky", this is what I had for "brucky" (OK, brunch) today. If I could eat breakfast for dinner, I would - but not everyday. My glass of cranberry juice on the rocks [smiles] is sweating on my desk and its tissue coaster isn't doing the job of absorbing the water very well. So I'm going to make this quick -- Last night, our neighbor's cat made such a ruckus for a good half an hour. That kitty must've been in heat - or was in labor - to make such annoying noises. It was so noisy!

Timeout From Ten Key

Been clocking more ten-key time than normal on the keyboard today so it's time for a breather. I've still got over 200 codes to enter - and it's just groundwork - but it's worth it because after this, all I have to do is copy/paste from there (after I double-check that everything's keyed in all right, that is). I think I'm not as good on the ten key as I am on the qwerty board. Coming from someone who also does accounting, that's embarrassing. Well, I can only improve on it from here so it's fine. Had goto (rice congee) tonight. Unfortunately, it leaves an aftertaste that's salty and oily. Haven't brushed my teeth yet so it's still there. Ate a banana and still finishing off a cup of tea to get rid of it - no success. OK then, break's over. Back to multiple open windows and the ten key.

Silly Eats and BTE

It's a fine Saturday afternoon. No rains but it's nice and cool - quite appropriate for relaxing. Snacking on a chocolate-filled waffle now. The filling has set because it's been in the fridge overnight. The bite in the middle is OK cos it's less messy than if it was warm. I feel silly eating it with a fork though cos it is shaped like a corndog and I could easily eat it with my hand. But I am on the computer and so... yeah. What better music to relax to than with Better Than Ezra's Before The Robots record that I made a playlist of (and didn't delete) before deezer went over their so-called makeover months back. It is a consolation that deezer is still around to provide me a bit of leisure. Putting a playlist together is still iffy cos most songs are grayed out (meaning, not available in my area - such a shame that they implemented this, really. Deezer was perfect before all this fuss.). Glad that I was able to add Jackson Browne's These Days on one of my