

I just wanted to say that I had some junk food tonight but the word "junked" sounded (and looked) more interesting so I used that. LOL Ate half a can of Pringles Crisps and Coke Light while I watched some dancing competition something show with someone. I think that I ate too much because I don't really remember what I saw and I kept popping potato crisps in my mouth. I do remember putting them on my tongue the "right way". I think I saw it on "Good Eats" - that Pringles chips were intentionally shaped to follow the tongue's curve so that we can eat it with one bite or something. I pulled a double (yeah, like shifts apply when you're working from home! HAHA!) this (just passed) weekend. Submitted a transcript too, two days before the deadline - woohoo!!! To be honest, I liked the audio that I got and the amount of time that they gave me to finish it -- they're just right. See, I have scheduled work tomorrow and checking that off my list fee

Brownies Unlimited and Globe Music

Here's one kind of brownie from the Brownies Unlimited assortment. They have their own labeled box now (or maybe they've had those for a while now) but I remember when their assortments came in generic plastic containers. They're doing very well, obviously. A six-brownie pack from Brownies Unlimited used to cost 90 pesos many years ago. I wonder how much they cost now. By the way, there are 12 brownies in their label box... or maybe I'm just way off the mark on this signature-box theory. They've probably been using that for the 12-brownie pack all this time. Shows how much I know about what's going on in the big, outside world of brownie manufacturers, huh? The second agenda on this post is Globe music. And no, it's not about "world music". It's about my mobile service provider's (Globe) WAP music store. I'm going to start from what happened this morning... very, very early, this morning: I had to check my email but I was still very sle

Lost Track and Ponytail Blabber

OMG, it is February and it's the 26th. OMG, only a few days left before the 28th - before it's March. I truly lost track of the time... truly. My hair is pretty long now and I have this half-ponytail going on where you pull the hair out halfway from the band. I had UTIS on and now, I'm playing PS. I like it when I move my head around and mouth the words to songs and my hair hits the back of my neck and temples. This is nonsense blabber, without a doubt. I am trying to write this post and sing along to a song at the same time. There are moments when I think that I am doing both but they're fleeting. I get pulled out of it by either thinking of what I'm going to key in next or hearing a drum riff that makes me realize that I've missed a part on a song that I like. I know that I can read this entry as I sing along to a song. But writing and singing, together, is tough - may not be possible too. I guess it's not meant to be done. I guess it uses the same part of

Blighter and Delighter

Obviously, the thing about working from home online is that you never come face to face with people who see your work on the other end of this World Wide Web. So sometimes it's hard not to be affected by feedback from some random person who chanced upon something that you've put out on the... yes, the WWW. Take this day, for instance. For the first time, I had a blighter who nipped at my heels and made me want to curse this day (and it doesn't help that it's my "time of the month" too!). I am not going to go into details because I do not want to remember the "WHY's" of it all for when I go back and read my entries. Well, after a few hours, this random person did a 180 and became my "delighter". That was pretty wonderful and I am very happy that I do not have to sleep feeling all moody about this tonight. Isn't it crazy how the same person who makes you want to rip your hair out early in the day can make you want to celebrate later o