
Online Survey

I took an online survey from Global Test Market today. I registered last year (it's free) and I received a couple of invitations between then and now. It's just that this was the first survey where I met all their classification requirements. It's not that often that organizations would include international survey-takers like moi so it's a nice surprise. There's like a minimum of a 1000 points that one should get before they get paid and I am so far from that, lol! I guess US residents are most targeted so... Well, it's a nice side-thing for other WAH moolah, I guess. Most survey sites I've seen were restricted to US or Canada residents too. I would've loved to get a piece of that. Hopefully, soon, there'll be more that'll want to know what we (non-US, non-Canadian) residents think. Here's to hoping...!

Digicam and Disney World.. Yey!

It was my sister and bro-in-law's sony point-and-shoot and I love it!!! It's my first digicam and it's got nice features... the only thing better would be if they gave me a pink one! lol! But it's like dark blue black so that's good since I don't like the same old silver ones that you see everywhere. See, they're planning to get a fancy SLR one so they gave me their old camera... they're so nice. :) We had relatives here last week for their vacation and they treated me to Walt Disney World. Wow, I didn't know that tickets were that expensive - it was $75 for one person, one park (no park-hopping). We went to disney's hollywood studios and it was fun. It was hot, then it rained... it was an experience! lol! My niece enjoyed Beauty and the Beast -- me too!!! Yeah, it took me back to my childhood. Me, memorizing songs from the movie by playing the cassette tape that we had back then... So, that's like two or three more parks of disney's to

Nice Birthday and Stretched Stomach

Yes, we did do something nice for my birthday (yey!). I blew candles, err, a candle - because I took too long to come out of the shower - on a choco fudge cake with the sweetest thing written on it with piped icing. Yeah, it's the regular HBD but I LIKE... no, I love it!!! lol! So, they sang me a "Happy Birthday" and we went out to dinner. We had dinner at a place that closes at 10pm, ergo, we were the last ones out. It's just that we drove out at 9pm and the place where we're supposed to eat was closed already. Being late just meant that I had more time to guss up which I like very much. lol! My stomach's stretched out with all the food... aagghhh!!! I'm sleepy but I don't want to go to bed yet. I don't want to have any nightmares, you know, that thing about sleeping when you're full? Anyway, we could've had cake when we got back from dinner but because of an accident, we only managed to salvage a quarter of that lovely choco fudge with t

Fay Effects and Wall-Painting

We lost power last night at around midnight and it came back up an hour later. The winds were really strong and we saw rain fall like sheets from inside the house. The effects of Fay were worse in other parts of the state like in the Keys and the west side. There were news of twisters in some towns too. We also heard about a storm that's hitting Manila right now (we have TFC kasi). I guess we have the same storm season in Florida and the Philippines. I hope the weather will be fair when we come home from this hiatus. I helped a little (What's smaller than "a little"? That would be how much I helped!) with painting the family room and kitchen here. It's now a "sable hay" color with a maroon-like accent wall -- very nice. They put primer where they were going to put a much lighter new color so that the old color wouldn't affect the end result. I did some priming on one side of a wall, like a fourth of the wall to be exact. lol!