kamiseta 2

My second kamiseta[dot]com order arrived! Hurrah! Now, what's inside is as much for me as it is for a couple of people - for presents, I mean. Glad that's taken care of.
The time-sequence of this transaction was similar to my first one - completed within a week. Order was placed Monday evening (their receipt landing page is buggy still, or they just can't get it to work so they left it as is ... the latter's probable). Received e-mail confirmation of order (mentioned that tracking info will be e-mailed too) on Tuesday morning. Wednesday, no e-mail about shipping received. Thursday, still no e-mail if item shipped so I went to my online kamiseta[dot]com account and saw the package's air21 tracking info there so sent text inquiry to air21 = tracking info not found daw that meant that I won't be receiving the box that day. Friday, texted air21 again = "in delivery vehicle", excited, and it came. Great! Oh, what's different from my previous transaction was that this time, no e-mail about shipping was sent. They must be busy down there are kamiseta HQ.
Let's be nitpicky again and say that while the lovely pouch was free of the too-long-in-storage smell, the items inside were not. Me thinks that what I ordered were online-only items. Tee-hee.
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