
Win 10 1607 update

They call it the "anniversary update." It was forced on me yesterday. It lasted 3 hours. I thought today is Friday. It's Saturday. I feel I lost a day. Now my sticky notes look bad. I'm not updating Windows again. My wifi is now set to "metered."

melted rubber

It is so hot. The rubber band that I left wrapped around this mini screwdriver... melted onto the metal.

HP laptop hard disk short DST failed

The fudge! Less than 2 years into buying my HP Pavilion 11" laptop, its hard disk fails! It happened yesterday: It froze around 2 minutes in. I thought the HDMI cable to the monitor was loose. I shut off the laptop and put it on my lap to reach behind the monitor... The base of the laptop was HOT! I tried to boot it a few more times but it would freeze before it can load Windows. F2 during start-up -> Quick System check. All passed except Hard Drive Short DST Check: Failed (screenshot's at the bottom of this post). This HP laptop was pretty expensive for me, too. Sigh. Says I should call HP to know what the failure id/code in red means but, I don't have the energy for this anymore. I need to work. I ordered a new laptop online last night, a different brand at a fraction of what I spent on this HP at the mall less than 2 years ago. I can't get over it - it's not even 2 years yet, I could've bought 2 more new laptops back then; a spare and a spare of the

Bpi direct td payout is late

Payout of my time deposit from bpi direct is still not in my account. I am getting worried. I don't like that feeling. My time deposit matured on April 28, 2017, Friday. Yesterday was a bank holiday (May 1, 2017, Monday, Labor Day). I checked my account today around 11 AM (Tuesday, regular working day), it's still not there. Of course I emailed them. If it's still not in my account tonight, I'll call. I'm trying to remember if this happened before, if it has been late because payout fell between a weekend and a holiday. Trying to convince myself that this is normal. *UPDATE May 2, 2017, Tuesday, 6:59 PM: Checked my account, it's there na. Yay.


We're melting. 35.2°C in Manila this afternoon. Konti nalang para ka nang may sinat.


Temp is now 34.6°C and I feel prickly heat coming on... And I just finished taking a bath. Waah.