
chickenjoy at spaghetti

just because i wanted jollibee... me "1 piece chickenjoy with spaghetti" meal, please! for the drink, i'll have pineapple juice. {etc.} her sorry, we ran out of juice. {twss} me oh ok. iced tea, please. her would you rather go-large with a cola? me no, thanks. her you'll be entered in our one million peso raffle promo right now if you... me no but thanks. her we have a juice promo. let me check if it's still running. me ok. her oh, that ended. you don't really want coke, ma'am? me what i really want is juice. her ok, ma'am. {chuckles} your order is 1 piece chicken joy with spaghetti meal, drink is large iced tea {etc.}... would that be all, ma'am? me yes, thank you. {smiles}

time flies

what did i accomplish today {apart from the routine...}? i designed a title/header banner. it is simple, clean and classy {i like to think so}. what? that doesn't sound like much? well from concept to finished product, it sure did take a while to make. besides, time flies when you're having fun. and i can't wait when it's time to update.

super easy giniling

i decided to cook tonight; to cook a simple, idiot-proof, super-easy giniling . heat a little bit of oil >> add chopped garlic + shallot {saute until it smells like... home}>> add ground beef {1/2 kilo probably; keep sauteing} >> shortly after, add a tablespoon of fish sauce {instead of salt; don't just dump it in, spoon it around. saute, saute...}, add water {slightly more than what's enough to cover the meat. boil, boil.} >> add small pack of tomato sauce and diced potato + carrot {stir well. boil, boil.} >> when the vegs are fork-tender, add green peas, a sprinkling of raisins and a small pack of magic sarap {haha, that magic sarap mix - i think they put it on almost everything here!}. let it boil again. taste. add more patis if you want to. This is good for four people na {or two grown men, depends on who's eating}. Y-U-M.

goodbye YSE

I did use you. You were free, and simple enough for the likes of me. Goodbye, Yahoo! Site Explorer.