
Sugar Shock and Think-Shopping

So far, it's been a lazy Saturday and it's at half past 9pm now. It's way too early to sleep. And as if my mood's been picked up (could be 'cause of my half-closed lids), I get sugar shock with my decaf. Yikes. Wrapped up this week's to-do's yesterday so I have free time now. Been thinking if I will take a chance with amazon's standard shipping (to the Philippines) with one of my wish-list things. I've only used the expedited option for all of two times lang naman kasi , with Closer and Friction, Baby . Hmmm... we'll see. Will just sing in my head, then. Seems like it's always understood this time of year...

Faves and Savory Grub

It's not a full English breakfast but what we often have is pretty close. If you've seen what my brunches have been, as I've put more than a few photos here already, you'd agree. Arguably, a Pinoy longsilog or any other "silog" is one of my favorite foods. But I've been pretty careful about coining something as "my fave" because tastes do change. Case in point, peanut butter spreads used to be my favorite when I was younger. For some curious reason, they're not anymore. I don't hate it, I just don't look for it like before. OK, let me rephrase my previous statement... Arguably, a Pinoy longsilog or any other "silog" is yummy, hearty, savory grub - indeed!


As I'm almost always hungry (ravenous even! ok, that's an exaggeration) when I wake up, it may not be helpful that I've googled and bing-ed "full english breakfast" for the past 40 minutes. Yes, I want to have one. And maybe I will, one day. Shouldn't be too hard to make since it seems that all you do is fry the ingredients up. It's just that there's a lot of it - ingredients, I mean. I wonder what we'll have tomorrow...

Presumptuous Musing 3

Goodness, man, you're asking stupid questions - stop it! Tonight. ANC. Ricky Carandang phone interview (with - I didn't catch the lady's name). Increasing number of HIV and AIDS cases within young urbanites with disposable income, particularly, call center employees. Mister reporter, Ricky, started off the phone interview all right. Expected questions were asked, and the lady guest answered well. Then he asked the opinion of his guest if those who have HIV or AIDS "should" disclose this fact to their employers. OK, to be fair, he has to go there - once. His guest answered eloquently, that there are human rights issues, that there's a stigma of having STDs. OK. Then mister reporter shared that he recently saw Tom Hank's movie about being discriminated and that Tom was playing a lawyer with the disease. Yes, he was talking about "Philadelphia". All right, you watch movies, mister reporter. How timely it was that you saw this particular one before t