
Not So Useless Anymore

Holy signal, Batman! There it is! Lost Pldt dsl earlier so I tried my wireless modem again (globe tattoo). Since we moved furniture around a few days ago, the computer is in a different spot - not so far from where it was before but I thought I'd give this backup another try. Hallelujah! It detected the gprs signal at full bar initially which was still sucky in terms of speed. So I disconnected, changed network preferences to "wcdma only" and voila! It worked and caught the better signal! It's not as fast as our dsl but its speed was tolerable. I am sure it would've been faster if it caught bars of the hsdpa/wcdma but what the heck -- it's not useless anymore! Thank goodness our dsl came back after a half an hour since I had a lot to do. Nice to know that my backup's useful now, for peace of mind and all that. Now, what about when electricity's out? The solution's obvious but impractical as of now. Oh well, will deal with that when I

Pretty Roses

These bloomed overnight. Lovely to see. Happy Sunday!

Yummy Combo, Halloween

Today's brunch: garlic fried rice, tocino, and itlog na maalat with tomatoes. For some reason, looking at this picture still whets my appetite. Maybe because the combination was really yummy. It was nice to see kids get all excited for trick or treating last Saturday. Seeing them in costume, toting their plastic pumpkin buckets, parents with fancy cameras leading them from house to house, and seeing a house with a life-size "white lady" with its own spotlight to boot! Now, this wasn't in my neighborhood, it was at the one over. Since we lost power on Halloween and me, on a deadline to submit a transcript, I headed over to a friend's house who graciously let me work there for a few hours. We drove through "that" subdivision so I got to see the wonderful muss of decorated houses and trick or treaters. And it was kind of poetic too that the neighborhood didn't have power either and since it was dusk, it added to that Halloween mood. Electricity at our

Funny Form Typo

... on an insurance form: Signature Over Printer Name OK, not as funny as if I had put up a picture instead but seriously, made me wonder if it was a fake. But it wasn't so... that's embarrassing (for them). Maybe they knew about it but it would take a board ruling to correct that "official" form so they decided to save thousands of pesos and keep that one with its "printer" flub -- just a thought.