
Brunch, Ondoy, and Pldt Dsl

Here's brunch... Our pldt dsl connection went back to its should-be state just yesterday. It was terribly unstable since the 24th, Thursday and I reported it straight away - okay, not quite. I waited a few hours before phoning customer service thinking that it was one of those hour-long "no traffic for you" situations that we've been having since June. After waiting three hours, I realized that it wasn't. Then, typhoon Ondoy hit. We only suffered service interruptions and street flood that went up to just below the knee, or so I've been told since I did not go out to look. In other cities (Marikina, Pasig, etc.), it was considerably serious with people having to go up to their roofs 'cause of high waters in the streets, waiting for rescue. And cars were being carried off by strong currents. We had the radio on constantly. The rains stopped later in the day on Sunday. Was able to watch the news on Monday when our cable was restored. Oh, the images! PAGASA

Changing Veins

I mentioned being stuck on a page for a project last time. Turns out, I needed to sleep and to let it "marinate" overnight 'cause looking at it with fresh eyes helped things move along. Very excited about this one. Notice when veins in your head plump up a bit and they hurt? Gives you a localized headache, just above an eye? My particular throbbing vein is on the right side of my forehead -- always has been on that side. Curiously, the left-side vein throbbed yesterday. But then, it went away quickly. Must've been jealous 'cause the other vein has been getting all the action.

Stuck on Two

I have a project. It is exciting. It started off shaky with bumps and holes along the way. There is a learning curve - though I don't know where I am on my "curve". In fact, I've forgotten how to read a learning curve. Maybe I should look that up later. I just finished the first page draft and now, looking at a blank and margin-ed page two on my screen, I am stuck. I look over the printout of the first page draft and discover that it came out with an extra quarter of an inch space from my intended margins. Hmmm... I already adjusted it once when I made a new front page with 300 ppi because the first one I did was 150 that may not print so well. Should I go back to tweaking the front page again? Nah, I'll keep this one. No point in delaying work on page two... Oh right, I'm stuck.


... whole wheat bread + blueberry jam. 'Twas good even if one toast was slightly burnt. Have to like the finger indentation from when this sandwich was cut, made me think that people do care -- I'm not being sarcastic. Could have raisin-dotted whole wheat bread and blueberry jam a lot and I wouldn't get tired of it.