
l, 1 and I

You'd think that it's a slow day when you're looking for just the right font for your files -- I'd disagree. It's refreshing, in my case, since I've no strict format to follow when it comes to my files. And it's nice to have good-looking text when you have to work on them everyday especially if they are character-sensitive text that are not at all literary in nature. It's like wanting and having just the right pen for longhand on a journal so you can write better. Choices are few 'cause not all fonts (that I like) show a difference between l, I and 1. Obviously, this blog's font does the job but it looks too crowded if I use it on a worksheet. I used Minion Pro but got tired of it. Before that was Courier something that did not work at all. Sylfaen should work but spaces between characters aren't consistent. Besides, someone playfully teased me about using Sylfaen a lot years before. Back then, I didn't really think that anyone would noti

V3 Deezer

I assume it's the 3rd version... it has a new look. Doesn't look as good as the old deezer, in my opinion, but it's working fine now so I'll shut up about it - except that I have to log in every time now which is kind of a slight turn off. Couldn't learn much about the new deezer from neither its blog nor forum 'cause they're in French (edit: the English thread is lacking, to say the least)... most English-speaking users must've jumped ship when it had problems before. Come back, come back!

Spare Thinking

Is it time to get a spare Internet provider - for when pldt dsl acts up? I don't get upset when it does (act up) anymore 'cause it seems to happen more frequently nowadays -- 15 minutes to 30 minutes here or 45 minutes there, once or twice a day or once a week. I think I'm getting used to their recent unpleasant service. That's not acceptable, is it? Now, they're selling thousands of their dsl modems on TV too. That's sure to negatively affect it further, I assume. A friend told me that when Globe started an all-night something for just 20 pesos, her line started to get crappy at night. I am on Globe prepaid but have never used any of their promos 'cause I'm (admittedly) strait-laced about how I use my phone, so I haven't really noticed it. But I do take her word for it. It is strange that her story pops into my head when I think about pldt dsl now. It's just an issue that comes up when working from home and all. It's just a thought. Anyway,

Absolutely Still

the story starts: was wanting more of better than ezra. had more songs from them on deezer before but deleted "hollow" from the playlist when the site was mucked up 'cause i mal-clicked during that crazy time. i couldn't get it back after that. after listening to what i had of bte tonight, i wanted "hollow" (or just something else). was window-shopping for old bte music to get my ezralite fix when i saw a nice surprise -- they have a new official website and they're giving away (as of tonight, still are) the first track off their new record for free. well, the fact that they have new music after four(?) years was enough of a nice surprise but getting a new free song from them was even better. the song is called "absolutely still". finally, i'm getting my fix of new bte and "absolutely still" should tide me over until i get what it means and learn the lyrics - which is quite wishful since i still couldn't be bothered to learn a