no wait, seasons change

lost Internet connection an hour ago. since weather's still warm and muggy (june gloom, where are you?) and devices have been plugged in continuously for three days (i usually turn the power strip off at least once a day to cool them down even if it's just a short while - couldn't lately), i turned them off hoping that they haven't malfunctioned from the heat.
glad to know they haven't, obviously -- hurrah!
now, it's really fast too, almost no-wait. could be 'cause it's the middle of the night but heck, i only come across it working this well so few times that it's worth mentioning.
season's changed? the mosquitoes seem to think so. but apart from a 20-minute burst of rain a day or two (since last week? can't remember), it's still hot and humid. the mosquitoes are back. the ants are leaving or hiding. hope the season catches up 'cause this is just (whatever rhymes with dun-dun-ing).
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