Updates and Early Warnings

I mentioned how delayed some things were, a couple of posts down. The bank-related one came through within a day so I was right not to worry about that. But with the parcel, it turned out that it was shipped a week later than I anticipated. The conclusion given the stamped postmark date on it, and yes, it is here now. So that particular delay was the sender's fault. At least I know how long to wait for another one, if there'll be a next time... dun, dun, dun.

Since I'm on the subject, I've been standing by for something for three days. While I've followed it up already (will do so again tomorrow, if nothing comes up before then), I've decided not to fuss about it. I'd let it go for now. I'm just standing by, for now. This is, arguably, one of the unfavorable situations when working from home -- waiting for something like instruction or confirmation from the other side, fearful thoughts looming.

Are you still there? :(

There's nothing much you can do but go on like before, nonetheless.

Extremely hot and humid here during noontimes.

Oh, a power plant in Laguna was damaged this week so we're on a scheduled rotational afternoon brownout. The first one was last Tuesday, for one hour. The second was yesterday, one hour again. There was supposed to be another one today but it didn't happen.

See, I've gotten text messages from meralco each of those times an hour or so before the "tentative" scheduled times which is quite nice. Yes, the text messages do mention that the brownouts are tentative. Quite thankful for the early warnings.
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Harley said…
One does there best faculty from time to time while in anticipation of an expected outcome. One the left hand, the nous wonders through endless trains of doubtless accountability's while questioning the existence of saneness or sound powers of mind....

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