Cold Ham Sandwich, USD and Somnolence

This is a sample of what I'm not supposed to be eating - white bread with mayo and cold ham. Not that having cold ham's bad, it's just that the combination's not so great - it tastes great - but not "healthy" great. But froggy up there likes it... lol.

I also bought something last Sunday... USD100 . What's unexpected was that at our meeting then - as we were wrapping things up - I asked one of the guys if they can come with me to buy USD. So, my other friend was like, "How much do you want?"

I said, "I don't know, USD100?"

And he's like, "I got a USD100." And he pulled it out of his wallet. He probably got more in it too.

I was like, "Great. Why do you carry dollars around?"

But the conversation after that was pretty long so... I'm going to skip it because it's VERY late and I got to sleep.

I've this new medication that has an adverse effect - somnolence. Turns out, it meant sleepiness and drowsiness. And believe me, I've suffered from it since two weeks ago. It's like taking a sleeping pill in the afternoon. That was bad... I was told of the what could happen if I ever actually dozed off in the middle of the day. Yikes! My pulse went racing after I heard that! Mommie...

So, a couple of hours later - pulse is normal but still staving off sleep - I am going to bed now. I've a transcript and five articles due tomorrow - oops! - I mean, later so... ta-ta!

Hold up... why's the date/time wrong up there and down here? FYI, it's 4:00am May 14th already... geez...
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