pldt blinking dsl light

Twice, it happened this month, more than 48 hours each time: May 12 (early a.m.) - May 14 (afternoon), and May 24 (early evening) - May 26 (mid-morning).

We called pldt 172. I have three reference numbers on file. We could not connect. Power cycled now and again within those periods of "limited or no connectivity." We couldn't get it back. The DSL light on the modem just kept blinking.

During May 12-14, I was told a few different things after calling 172. First, there was no reported issue in my area and of course, they would file a report - I noted down my first reference number. Next, there was ongoing maintenance for accounts under our subscription plan, was told to keep the modem on for remote testing, and was given a new reference number. Next, they were going to assign a technician to come. The tech would call before coming. A technician neither called nor visited. I was told our connection was restored the afternoon of the 14th when I was out of town.

May 24-26, we experienced "limited or no connectivity" so we power-cycled. Again, the DSL light on the modem just kept blinking. Again, called 172, another report reference number down on paper. Power cycled -- nada. Followed up on the 25th, was told a tech would be assigned to come and fix it. Power cycled -- again, hello, blinking DSL light. Today, May 26, 9 a.m., the tech called, he's coming over. 10 a.m., power-cycled -- "aaaahhhh" -- after initializing, all lights are good, DSL light is steady. Turned computer on, we are online.

Mister pldt tech arrived at 2 p.m. I said I power-cycled while I was waiting for him and it connected, it's working na. Awkward moment - I'm already here, I should do something - I nearly suggested he check the wires outside but he said he can replace the old dsl/phone splitter. I asked what it meant when the dsl light flashes and doesn't steady itself like normal, what would cause that. He said it could be the splitter, the line... He did not elaborate. I asked if there were many reports of the same problem lately. He said yes, he had many connections to repair today. Five minutes, tops. Bye, mister, thanks for the new dsl/phone splitter.

pldt replaced our dsl-phone splitter

He left the old one. It was yellow with age and the plug to the wall jack was slimy. Gross.

Will pldt adjust our bill to reflect the 5 days (more or less) that we lost our dsl connection this month (the month is not over yet)? I don't know. Maybe not.

Updated 05/26/14 11 p.m.

See my latest posts about pldt dsl →


Anonymous said…
having the same problems now. everyday i lose my connection and i have to power cycle again and again and it's really annoying.
Anonymous said…
Same problem here. I told them we're no longer happy with the internet services of pldt-as usual I was answered with "sorry for the inconvenience".
Anonymous said…
nice post!

our previous prolink h5004n modem broke down a week ago. pldt replaced the modem with the same baudtec brand that you have. the father-in-law got it from his friend in pldt. after setting up, we only got a blinking dsl LED. internet LED is off. disconnected the dsl line, same LED status. it's as if our dsl line is dead. that's pldt. :D
first check your phone connection, unplug and re plug everything, reboot your modem. maybe the problem was on PLDT communication box, their facility outside or their network configuration

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