
Mang Inasal Palabok | Delivery

(08/30/2022) Tonight’s dinner is Mang Inasal delivery via Food Panda…  Mang Inasal Palabok (P73.00) Yummy palabok… but 1 calamansi is not enough. Padagdag po ng calamansi.  I also bought the Mang Inasal buddy size promo with 2 chicken inasal and 3 barbecue sticks which should be good for two more meals.   -  I did not want to eat rice tonight. We had Spam for brunch. It was the “Low Sodium” Spam but still so very salty so I ate more rice than usual. Andun padin ang salty taste even after I brushed my teeth. 

When You Have a Bad Day

I woke up with my left eyelid swollen. The wet cough that's coming from my chest is back. I've been getting it once or twice a year since, I don't recall exactly, but maybe a decade ago or even longer than that. Weather is muggy. It rains on and off all day and night. Maybe this bad weather is why my cough is back... I don't know. Figuring out how to take the bad lithium ion battery pack off my Cosin electric wheelchair is also stressing me out. The weird thing is, I want push my foggy brain to do more work; and I want a hot fudge sundae. Photo by Andris Romanovskis on Unsplash

Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake Tin

Dairy Queen Ice Cream Mango Cheesecake in a To-Go Tin (P449.00) via Grab Food (+ delivery fee). This is their small 6" tin, filled with vanilla soft serve and toppings (mango slices, cheesecake bits, and whipped cream). Looks very nice but tastes bland on its own kasi konti lang ang toppings, so we paired it with my cousin's homemade fudgy chocolate cake! Cake à la mode ❤ 

Sky Broadband Disconnection Process (2022)

Sky Tech Arrives to "Pull Out" the Equipment i.e. Modem I can cancel my problematic Sky Broadband internet subscription without any fees because I am not locked into their 2-year contract anymore.  I have been using Globe at Home for a couple of months now and so far, so good. The steps I took to cancel/disconnect my Sky Broadband -- 1. Logged into my account and chat with a rep. He started the disconnection process, gave me a reference number, and told me to expect a call. 2. Got the call the next day -- the tech is here to "pull out" the equipment i.e. modem. THE "PULL OUT"  We already unplugged the modem and put it in a plastic bag for him to just collect... But hindi lang pala ganun, haha. He sat down and filled out a few forms; this took him maybe around 10 minutes, and... done! We signed the forms, he gave us our copy of the work order, and he left. He took the modem with him too. THE NEXT BILL I still have an account with Sky for ca