
Stretching Viand

Small portions of viand can be stretched to finish with a plateful of rice if they're generously seasoned (but not so much that they're inedible). Take this plate, for instance. The corned beef was extra crunchy and the one-egg scramble was a bit salty. Portions were disproportionate to how much rice I had but all was cleaned off without my asking for an extra serving of corned beef. And yes, I'm being serious. Nyahahaha!

Productivity Tool: Convert Excel Xlsx to Xls File

How much do I love Google Docs ? Let me count the ways. For one, it converts .xlsx files to .xls. This feature must've been recent (less than two years, maybe?). There are so many wonderful productivity tools on Google and if we just keep our eyes open, we can see that they keep on putting great stuff out over time. Since I don't remember seeing an in-your-face "convert excel .xlsx to .xls here" feature sign on there, I was wonderfully surprised when I tried it out and it worked. A few months ago, I received several .xlsx files from a client to process. But I had MS Office 2003 so I couldn't read them. I could've sent them back and asked them to be changed to .xls format... but I didn't since figuring things out was part of what I do - besides, I didn't want to send them back at all. And being a keep-the-pc-safe-and-secure nut, I had one limitation in finding a solution -- no software downloads! I googled, yahoo-ed, bing-ed for a fix, but all I g

Off! On

Slathered the "soft and scented" Off! on. I like how this insect repellent smells. Just as I thought that cooler season is here, it's not. It's muggy earlier and now, it's cool. We started to get these fitful temps last week. It's nice at this moment, I'm just sitting here and I'm not sweating -- very comfy. But I don't think this is going to last the night, I think that in an hour or so it will be hot and humid again. Enough about the weather...

flashed ham

Pretty, bright lettuce in my sandwich. Tweaked the photo (taken with flash) with more saturation - did the job nicely! Notice the black background? Lights went off the entire house after a quick "pshkt!" sound from the circuit box tonight. Outlets still had power (thank goodness - work on the PC wasn't shot). So while everyone else was using their TV or laptop monitor to brighten up their respective rooms, I was better off 'cause I had a lamp that plugs in. Anyway, some jiggle-waggle or whatever they did at the circuit box quickly put the lights back in order.