
Off! On

Slathered the "soft and scented" Off! on. I like how this insect repellent smells. Just as I thought that cooler season is here, it's not. It's muggy earlier and now, it's cool. We started to get these fitful temps last week. It's nice at this moment, I'm just sitting here and I'm not sweating -- very comfy. But I don't think this is going to last the night, I think that in an hour or so it will be hot and humid again. Enough about the weather...

flashed ham

Pretty, bright lettuce in my sandwich. Tweaked the photo (taken with flash) with more saturation - did the job nicely! Notice the black background? Lights went off the entire house after a quick "pshkt!" sound from the circuit box tonight. Outlets still had power (thank goodness - work on the PC wasn't shot). So while everyone else was using their TV or laptop monitor to brighten up their respective rooms, I was better off 'cause I had a lamp that plugs in. Anyway, some jiggle-waggle or whatever they did at the circuit box quickly put the lights back in order.

what then music men

When it comes to bands, it's been that they'd put out new music every two or three years. Then, they'd go on hiatus... when members usually go do their own thing. There's no assurance that they'd work together again and if they do, you wonder if you'll like what they'll put out given that they've grown and maybe want to explore new music - the kind that's totally different from what you liked about them in the first place. I'm in the verge of being in a slump... coming close to getting music that I like from these men's bands... coming close to have all that I like so far... and sadly, after that, there's nothing else that I want to have. Nothing else, for now. But what about later and there's still nothing - what then?

Pulled Chix, IE7

Brunch was pulled chicken a.k.a. meat torn from yesterday's leftover chicken adobo legs. Already tore the fried egg before remembering to take a shot. Recent posts lack visuals, this should make up for them. Installed IE7. (Planned on IE8 but pal said it was "shite".) The process was OK until after restarting the machine. The "installing IE settings" window took longer than I was comfortable with, and when the desktop showed up - I literally sighed with relief. The reasons why I still bother with IE are - that I use a particular site that isn't supported by other browsers (yup, this condition still exists) and I tinker with some html codes so I've to make sure it looks OK on other browsers. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother with it at all. But this I've got to say, IE7 is better compared to IE6. I think four years (didn't IE7 come out in '04 or was it '06?) is enough to make sure that bugs are dealt with and it's OK to make that up