
Presumptuous Musing 3

Goodness, man, you're asking stupid questions - stop it! Tonight. ANC. Ricky Carandang phone interview (with - I didn't catch the lady's name). Increasing number of HIV and AIDS cases within young urbanites with disposable income, particularly, call center employees. Mister reporter, Ricky, started off the phone interview all right. Expected questions were asked, and the lady guest answered well. Then he asked the opinion of his guest if those who have HIV or AIDS "should" disclose this fact to their employers. OK, to be fair, he has to go there - once. His guest answered eloquently, that there are human rights issues, that there's a stigma of having STDs. OK. Then mister reporter shared that he recently saw Tom Hank's movie about being discriminated and that Tom was playing a lawyer with the disease. Yes, he was talking about "Philadelphia". All right, you watch movies, mister reporter. How timely it was that you saw this particular one before t

Sundays and Shadows

Sunday brunches are wonderful with mini-hotdogs, bacon and (an) egg. There is a corner here where shadows appear - a perfect spot for mosquitoes to congregate and wreak havok on legs (meaning, my legs) that have nowhere to land on as far as (my particular) work-space logistics allow. Woe. If I don't make sense, I am sorry, I am distracted by the itch on my limbs. I will buy "Off!" tomorrow.

Fliptunes Plus Update

Last year, in February, I wrote about Fliptunes Plus . As an update to that - the site is now nonexistent! Hurrah! About time too, and while I don't know exactly when it went under, for some reason a link to it is still on its local counterpart, Fliptunes [dot] net. It goes to a confused, what-are-you-talking-about? blog now. That is a turnoff (to say the least) and goes to show how unprofessional and suspicious their set-up is. I am never going there again - and neither should anyone! Poor form, flip-whatever!

Cold, Windy, Audacity, Congee

Lovely weather now. It's cold - not too cold that I have to bundle up - it's nice. It's windy outside too. Mosquitoes in my room are not afraid. It used to be that when you wave a hand over one that's "dining" on you, it would fly away. Now, when I feel an itch on my leg and put a hand over it ever so calmly, I squash the bug. Gross. Here was my dinner yesterday, chicken congee or arroz caldo . Suitable dish during cold weather 'cause it's filling and the spiciness from the ginger hits the spot.