Write And Ready

This should've been "write when ready" but that's too... lesson-y. And this isn't a tutorial - not at all.

I know that my web-writing wahj fell by the wayside cos I can only write when I'm ready. Blogged before about being useless at it when uninspired so I guess a better way of putting it in words is with - I will write when I'm ready. Otherwise, writing is a tedious and forced bore.

Take today for instance, wrote two stellar pieces on music and computers. They're two totally different topics but words came out effortlessly and well. Pretty proud of them too. I'd share them but I just sold them so... they're not mine anymore. But they are published under one of my pseudonyms (yes, I've more than one) so they are not totally lost to me.

That's a tricky thing about writing web content. The line between knowing what's mine and what's not has been blurred on the Internet. Still, I credit a writing wahj for providing me with the money for an important online purchase after I went into it last year.

So, I just write when I'm ready. It's the only way to go about it, in my case.
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