Seeing Sweaters, Accounting, and Keane

Everyone but me is wearing a sweater at our house tonight. They say it's chilly - and it is - but I like it. I even have the fan pointed directly, err, at an angle facing my bed so I'll be all-huddled under the covers later -- almost freezing. LOL I did not sleep well at all last night because my feet were cold but I don't care.

Also, I finally finished the in-house accounting books as of June, sent off the statements too. I'm working on July now but I find that I do not have all the information I need just yet -- oops, another delay! Oh well, it is what it is. :)

Seeing the MTV video of the song, Perfect Symmetry, by Keane made me curious about their albums. So, I've been listening to Hopes and Fears (their first) and I've decided that I want to get it. Yes, Keane interests me. Since it was released four years ago (2004) it's going to be cheaper too, I think. I hope that they've got it in stores here now.

I've looked at their official website and it's like a little over US $8 if you order from there. But considering the shipping costs (which I don't think the $8 covers) and the time it'll take to arrive (it'll be coming from the UK)... hmmm... I don't know. It's probably better to buy it here. I don't know. There are noticeable differences between releases from different countries, you know? Like if it were enhanced (with extra features like or bonus tracks) or not. Well, whatever - as of this moment - I prefer to have an actual, physical CD that I can see (and hold and smell!?! LOL!) if I can help it. :)
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