Pinching Penny WAHJs and Advice

Two of my "work from home" affiliates are pinching pennies - I've noticed. Well, one of them expressed that the cause of having not much work available for their WAH (work at home) team is the not-so-good economy. I like that they've told us what's going on so there is no confusion. Now, that's a good working relationship. I do hope that they don't go out of business. I hope, I hope...

My other WAH affiliate just removed the regular assignments and put in a list of ad hoc ones in stead. By this, I mean that the work that they put out is of a specific, as-they-need-it nature. That's not so good since everyone's scrambling and trying to reserve these jobs first as they come out - and there's not a lot of it too. Boo-hoo.

If there's one advice I can give out for newbie freelance WAH job-seekers it is that you should not rely on one online affiliate because, let's be honest, it is a pretty unstable industry. So if you do manage to get one and get paid for it, do not quit your day-job (if you have one) just yet. It's better if you have this freelance thing on the side.

Okay, here's another piece of advice - NEVER pay to get an online, freelance gig. Right, I just had to sneak that in because it can never be said enough when it comes to this sort of thing.

Good night!
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