Desserts Galore

I've mentioned (more than a few times) that I'm not a big dessert fan. But lately, the highlight of our dinners has been - yup - desserts.

I loooove apple pie w/ ice cream. We get pies from the grocery and some have been "blech!" while some have been "oohh yeah!!!". We've been pretty excited for a while there when we'd get a different pie every time we go to the store. But after having the "blech!" ones more than a few times, we've decided to stick to the ones we've come to know and enjoy.

Tonight's dessert was banana split. OMG! So yummy. I was supposed to take a picture but I've no way of uploading it from the mobile phone that I'm using right now. Anyway, we had butter and pecan ice cream from - I forget the brand, Dreyer's maybe - and rocky road from Edy's.

I had the rocky road with my banana while my sis had both with hers. She also put a scoop of strawberry sorbet in her bowl... I thought, "That wouldn't work." But she finished it all so I guess it does... work... for her.
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