Couldn't Climb My Everest

Alas! I couldn't climb my Mt. Everest podcast. I tried... I did try, so hard but I know my limits. If I didn't let go, I'd be so toxic in trying to work that out. I could see it already, a transcript full of 'inaudible' in brackets -- if I did go with it. So sad.

Anyway, they were quick to give it to someone else. Wow, I feel so... dispensable. C'mon! I'm supposed to be a beginner remember?!? Hardly four hours of transcribed audio under my belt and they give me a difficult audio? Wow, they sorely overestimated my ability. lol!

Of course, being the good, reliable WAH worker that I am, I asked to be replaced after spending two hours tonight trying to transcribe it. I've gotten as far as two minutes with a number (try 'a myriad'!) of 'inaudibles' until I called it quits. Truth be told, some people would've waited until the last minute to concede defeat or worse, hand over an unfinished transcript!

And if I haven't emphasized it to be 'difficult' enough, I also listened to the entire thing twice. In all fairness, I did get the general idea of what's going on but I couldn't catch what were actually spoken. And it's supposed to be 'verbatim' too, so that's a red flag right there. Oh well. I'm not ready for you yet, my Everest. Sigh.
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