Back to Writing Now... or Later?

I've set aside writing content (my other freelance job) for the past three days. As a result, I'm behind in reaching the minimum submissions that would make me eligible for pay on the 16th.
That got me thinking. Should I intentionally hold off submitting any articles today? I could catch up and, in turn, submit more content than the minimum if I do. That means, the pay that I'll get on the 31st would be higher. I could... but should I?

I do feel a headache coming on since I rushed to submit my podcast transcript this morning -- that's 2:00 am this morning, by the way. I even chatted with my friend who's in Canada (it was early afternoon there, at the time) while I was waiting for the confirmation of my submission.

It was almost 3:00 am when I said goodbye. I still haven't received the confirmation at that time too so I figured that they were already asleep. I did submit the transcript twice just to be sure.

This morning, at 8:00 am, I got a text message that they received my transcript. But there were formatting issues that I had to correct. So, back to the computer I went. Turns out, it was just a hanging indent correction and it was easy to do. Unfortunately, I had to go by the speaker starts' one by one to reverse the tabs that resulted from my 'whole document' correction.

They were pretty cool about it. We (my client and I) were chatting the whole time. She said that it was okay, that there's no rush. And she also said that I have a happy weekend. I'm pretty lucky to work with really nice people.

And the reason my sched got out of sorts is that the tax reports that I was supposed to do this weekend got bumped up. Their tax people was asking for it already because of next week's holiday. I didn't have a choice so I did that first and sent it to them last Thursday.

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