
Blaming the disease

Since my left hand became weak at the same time my polymyositis flared over a decade ago, it has never improved, even a little. I kept telling my PTs (physical therapists) about it but they just said the same thing -- do the open/close exercise, squeeze a stress ball. I did and still do but nada, nil, zip. My left hand would occasionally feel numb. The numbness would go up to my elbow and sometimes my face, and I'd be terrified thinking that I was having a stroke. I even wondered if I was developing inclusion-body myositis (ibm is another kind of idiopathic inflammatory myopathy that initially weakens the fingers and, as of now, progresses because it does not respond to treatment). My left fingers often hyper-extend to compensate for the weakness. When we attended the annual myositis patient conference by TMA in September 2016, we noticed that my left hand looked the same as the ibm patient attendees -- fingers hyper-extended. Can I also have ibm? I asked Dr. Steve Ytterberg  

Growing things

Starting a small garden Donald Trump is the new US President. I want to grow tomatoes but where can I start?

DST sux

Tickets to Jo Koy 's Comedy Show, The Casino @ Dania Beach DST ended here on Sunday and I haven't adjusted. I woke up 8 a.m. feeling OK. Now, it's 11 a.m. and I'm already tired. We saw Jo Koy 's stand-up comedy show last Friday. It was mostly dirrrty. He looked tired (or hung over?). There were a few drunk hecklers but he handled it well. Oh, Rhonda's "piss at the curb... house burned down..." he ran with that for a while. I liked the singing at the end.

Brunch 11-01-2016

Jasmine brown rice with turmeric, kiwi, beef ribs, chicken. Leftovers from last night.