
Hurricane Matthew

It was windy outside We started preparing for Hurricane Matthew on Wednesday. It was expected to hit us Thursday evening. It came in the wee hours Friday. I heard the wind howling outside. Thank goodness it passed quickly.

I'm gonna get big

Dune Deck's Mimosa Cafe Corned beef hash plate and a mimosa for Sunday's brunch at Dune Deck's. So good. I like that they have fresh fruit too. Yum... Two of us shared this plate. I would not have finished it all by myself. Half of this was just right for me, I ate like a king which is what I like to do for breakfast. That night, we had dinner at another house and everything was delicious. I usually eat small portions at night but it could not be helped, I was so full when we left.

Worn and torn

The powerchair after just 2 months One black plastic cap over a front wheel is lost, seat is squeaking, motor is tick-tick-ticking... Phew. It's been gate-checked at airports 4 times (airline staff here in the US are so used to it that it's great traveling now), strapped inside wheelchair-accessible cab (once) and shuttles (twice), wheeled through some small streets (even brick so it hurt my head because my chair does not have shock absorbers), disassembled to fit in an SUV full of groceries, wheeled through sand (tried to but failed - I got stuck and had to be pushed back to the cemented walkway - terrifying), through grass (never again - dirty and uneven ground), through wet ground (ick), drizzle of rain (ack - this is an electric wheelchair, you know)... What else? Point is, I can't keep it pristine, clean and all in one piece. At this point, I'm happy it's still working and I'm free to move around by myself - yipee!

Things to do

Sunny afternoon in our corner of Florida Florida has unpredictable weather. It can be sunny and rainy and back in just 30 minutes. This afternoon, I plan to sort my clothes, add Stevia sweetener to my d-i-y mocha creamer mix, comb my hair (haha) and maybe grab a snack.