
photo series

I will make a series. I will call it "Dada's Days in Pictures #" or whatever clever title I'll come up with then. It will be a series of pictures that I will take with my point-and-shoot camera (not phone) for a consecutive number of days or until the battery is drained. I expect it will be dull because I am not able to get up and move (sucks but have to deal { childhood-onset myositis }). There will be food, mostly of my meals which I can comfortably take pictures of sitting down. Let's see what happens.

it's falling apart

Broke the day's fast with grilled pork and Worcestershire sauce. My phone is old (Nokia on Symbian) and cannot handle current tech. To add to its usual display problem (which body contact in the time it takes me to sing one song resolves, so far), it is falling apart. Yesterday, the volume button fell off. It is now secured in place with a piece of masking tape.

cleaning up

We swept behind my work desk and the dust bunnies were... HUGE! Gross. I forgot to take out the big trash bag when the garbage collector came earlier. It's full from when I cleaned out folders from college and what-nots from the cabinets. I'm purging. There are still things to go over and sort (keep, throw away or donate) but I want to get rid of this big trash bag first before I can restart my "cleanup." We can't leave it outside because it will just be messed with.

memories all repeat

For a while there, I couldn't decide if I wanted to get Third Eye Blind's first CD or the "A Collection" CD or pick out individual songs. I re-listened to 3eb a month or so ago. Memories from college came flooding back and it was great. The band just came out at the time. A buddy handed me a tape of their first album and said, "You have to listen to this." I did and synapses in my brain rippled in a good way, it was amazing. Thanks, man. Anyway, I ended up choosing individual tracks because I might have outgrown most of the other songs. Bought "Wounded" and the last 3 tracks on the first album as well as "Jumper" which is just... no explanation needed. Happy days are here again. Dipped into my darlings' gifts fund for this. Their birthdays aren't for a few months yet so I can mturk a little harder until then to bring the balance back up.