Paranaque Covid Vaccination 1st Dose

Paranaque Covid vaccination

We had our first dose of Sinovac yesterday morning.

Our community submitted a request to the local government a couple of months ago to conduct Covid vaccination here and it was approved. It was held in our clubhouse yesterday at 8 a.m., and it was a smooth process. It was well organized which shows that they know what they're doing.

First Dose Experience

Woke up at 6 a.m., ate breakfast, and got ready. We went down to the clubhouse a little before 8 a.m. We showed our ID for confirmation that we were on the pre-registered list. We filled up the consent form, went through screening/interview, got our shot, and waited at the observation section for 15-30 minutes. While we were waiting to leave, a doctor with a microphone thanked everyone for taking the vaccine and spoke about how important it is to get vaccinated, common side-effects, etc. All good.*thumbs up*

The Side-Effects

I got up really early for this. We went around the community afterwards since it was nice and cool in the morning. When we got back, I lied down to try to take a nap but couldn't sleep. I did not like that because I knew that I was gonna be all sleepy later. Around noon, I was very hungry. I ate my lunch and tried to work. I felt a little warm but did not get a fever, and the injection site on my left arm was sore. I could not really work because my mind was cloudy and I felt tired, but not really sleepy - I am not sure if all of these are the vaccine's side-effects. I did not force working so I just tried to relax.

That night, the warm feeling went away. I felt okay but very sleepy. Our second dose will be on Nov. 5th at our clubhouse again so, I will write about it then.

Second Dose Experience

The injection felt more "thick" compared to the first, but not bad... If that makes sense. My side-effects: headache and soreness at injection site. That's it.

The weather was not as nice that morning so we did not walk around anymore.

My ate said that Covid booster shots are needed after a while because antibody levels (both vaccine-induced and naturally induced) eventually wane. It depends on the brand of course, and Sinovac is approved for boosting or third dose after 6 months. We'll see what our local gov't plan is then.

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