sweltering then not

Sweltering nighttime temps these days are... severe. Calling it severe may be too much. But it is so uncomfortable. It's almost 2 a.m. now and I'm dabbing beads of sweat off my forehead - that's how bad it is.

Let me write this down real-time... I feel a cool draft now. It's strange since I was having sweat beads on my forehead only moments ago. But knowing how nighttime temps have been lately, I can confidently say that in a few minutes from now, that wave of damp heat will return. At this point, I can choose to go to bed and savor this coolness around me or I can choose to continue writing, just to prove my point - well, prove it to myself since I'm the only one here. I know it's coming... waiting for it... Okay, it's taking a little longer than expected. Okay, here's a good prediction -- rain. Yes, it could rain tonight. Yes, it's still cool. But at this point, I'd welcome to be proven wrong. Oh lovely, refreshing, cool showers...  come, come! Okay, still no rain. I'll leave this alone. What the heck, I'm going to bed.
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