Creatures, Habits, Delays

This will be trite (or will be close to something to it or something completely different... will see how this develops) - gosh - but here goes... being a creature of habit, something that's different or I want to comment on do not happen or come very often. So, posts are few and far in between.

And for an attempt at a 'train of thought' entry, I am editing myself too much that makes this, not one - I mean, not a 'train of...', yeah. I remember chatting with a pal and I was erasing what I was typing so often that she said, "What are you trying to say?" Pretty funny, really. Surprising but funny. Embarrassing but funny.

Noticed unusual delays this week. One is for a package that will go through the post office (yikes, I know) and another is bank-related. The former is worrying, and the latter is not something that's making me anxious, not yet, anyway.

And if I hadn't made this post any less 'all over the place', I'll go ahead with this 'train of thought' direction so when I realize that this 'train' is headed towards something that I'm not liking, I'll just stop.
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Harley said…
Yes. Well versed... Mysterious like fresh mushroom tea yet pointed like a stitching needle...

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