Eager Than Anxious

Colloquial speech aside, I'd rather be eager than anxious. Sadly, tonight, I'm suffering the latter. I set myself up for something that, I assume, will come tomorrow. I want to sleep right away when I lie down and not think about this "something" that's out of my hands - until it comes, I think, tomorrow.

But what if it doesn't come tomorrow? The thought of that is making me more anxious.

My brilliant idea at the moment is to remember how "Kung Fu Panda" made me laugh yesterday or what I read earlier that was so funny! Alright, here it is, and I'll paraphrase: A woman was teaching her son how to cross the street. She held his hand, looked both ways, and asked, "OK, what is the first rule?" Her son replied, "We do not talk about fight club?"
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