Weather's Fay... Uh, Fair

It's said to be a tropical storm as of now but so far, so... fair - the weather, that is. Yup, I've been here in Florida for a couple of months now and Fay is all over the local news today. It's forecasted to pass by tomorrow and over the next few days. Hope it doesn't evolve into a hurricane.

There's no rain here right now but earlier this afternoon, there was some heavy rain, wind and thunder. News said that classes are good to go tomorrow... that's good to hear. We're pretty far from the Keys (where it's reported to hit first) so I hope it doesn't get too harsh here.

The weekend's almost over and an important occasion's coming up this week -- my birthday! lol! Okay, I am excited but I highly doubt it that we'd be doing anything special.

Okay, I'm going to watch the Olympics now...
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