Little Break, Writing Snippets and Chin Update

I just got up a few hours ago... Actually, we left at 4:00 this morning and got back at around 9:30 am. I had breakfast of fried egg and spicy sausage (sans the skin) and slept. It so hot and humid today!!! Anyway, I got out of bed around 3:30 pm to get some work done.

There's nothing much to say except that I will be going away for a little while in June. Yup. So excited. Turns out, I'll get to see my darling niece then. Also, I hope to see my other niece (who's still a bun in the oven! lol!) too. My sister's due in July so I hope we'd still be with them for the birth.

I haven't really written any articles for my first content-writing affiliate. Since you can submit articles anytime (but, of course, you won't get paid unless you reach the minimum quantity at the end of a pay period) I've been less than motivated to get some articles in there. I guess the "idea barrel" is still saturated at the moment.

I am, however, working at writing short articles for a client who's arranged to pay me with Moneybookers. Like I said before, I am eager to get my first pay from him this month and curious if I can successfully withdraw it too.

My chin's all crusty and scabby. Gross. Please don't turn into a scar... please. The swelling down so that's good. Turns out, I also have a hematoma on my left elbow and a hematoma and scratch on my left shoulder. They both showed up a day after the fight. lol!
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