Fifty Hours Later and Tax Call

My chin, 50 hours after the fact:

See how dark it is? It's actually a big scab now... still tender though. Not yet cooked. lol! Didn't realize that that big an area of skin broke. Blech. Hope it doesn't turn into a scar. I'd have to be careful not to have anything scratch at it before it totally dries up.

Having bruises and bumps over the years have taught me the value of cold compresses and warm compresses. As long as there's no broken bones (haven't had any, thank goodness!) we must immediately put a cold compress on the area to avoid too much swelling. Don't leave it on the skin for more than 20 minutes or you'll get frostbite and make it worse. After an hour or two, apply the cold compress again. That really saved this bump from growing than what it could've been -- I imagine, the size of a golf ball.

Do the cold compress treatment many times a day for the first two days. Now, I'm doing warm compress treatment to break down the hematoma (is that what it does?) so what has swelled will go down faster. And it's worked because the bump isn't that hard than I'd thought it would be. Also, I'm just bothered by this scab that's forming because I couldn't move my mouth really because I feel that it'd crack or break before it's healed. So, same as the cold compresses, that's 20 minutes max on the area with an hour or two break in-between.

What's more, my lips are getting dry too because I have a cut on my lip as well. And the reason why my lips are glossy (naks!) here is because I put on lip balm just to keep it moisturized since I can't really lick it. And I don't like having cracked lips.

OK, so the ID picture turned out well yesterday. The guy at the shop "photoshopped" my scar off. Well, it's so subtle -- he did a great job. He also took out a gash on my cheek. And started to take out the freckles too! I asked him to stop because I still want it to look like me! lol! He did a good job. It's still me, all natural sans the scab. I didn't notice until I saw the picture too that my left eye was a little swollen, oh well -- all natural, I guess.

And again, she called me THIS MORNING!!! Ack! I did say that I didn't like that my friend's tax people are calling me in the morning, didn't I? Well, I got a call again this morning. She just asked me if the tax report and check were ready for pick-up. I said that it was and that I emailed it yesterday to my friend. I said that they can get it there (like they always did) already. Oh well. But the girl's nice, really. I just don't like to get a call in the morning. Can you say, "passive-aggressive"? lol!

All right, back to more content-writing.
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